words and music by Jay Eddy
directed by Sam Plattus
Starring Nate Houran, Xander Johnson, & Jay Eddy

Performed at the Steve & Marie Sgouros Theater in New York, NY
with the New York International Fringe Festival

and at the SoHo Playhouse in New York NY with the Fringe Encore Series


One of “7 Shows to See at FringeNYC 2015” - Zachary Stewart, THEATERMANIA

The Boys Are Angry is a great example of what a Fringe Show is: daring, full of ideas, great talent, and the venue to make the magic happen.” - Nelson Diaz-Marcano, Manhattan with a Twist

“From the moment an invective-fueled, misogynistic spew presumably tapped out on a blogger’s keyboard is posted to the audience in the form of a frontal, ferociously lit soliloquy, The Boys Are Angry begins its fearless transition from social network screed into a morality play mobilized by the conventions of live theater...Under Sam Plattus’ direction, the theater provides an intimately affecting laboratory for wry epidemiological research.” - Deborah Natsios, Cryptome

Bold, fresh approach” - Melanie N. Lee, nytheater now

“Eddy’s ear for the puerile humor of straight twenty-something guys feels spot-on, and Johnson and Houran expertly capture the complex nuances of their co-dependent relationship...The Boys Are Angry is an intelligent exploration of young white masculinity, all the more arresting having been written by a woman.” - Dan Dinero, Theatre is Easy